Shark Deterring KingCobra Stickers
How it works..
Scientific research has confirmed that sharks have superior senses, one being extraordinary visual capabilities (Gruber & Cohen, 1985). These elevated visual abilities allow sharks to detect surface prey (Strong, 1996). Experts also believe that sharks have Monochromatic vision and use contrasting shades to distinguish the outline and size of potential prey before an attack. Sharks are ambush predators, relying heavily on the element of surprise to capture prey (Strong, 1996). Sharks employ predatory tactics, which involves a risk assessment before attacking (Lima & Dill, 1989).
Our ‘KING COBRA’ design targets the sharks early risk assessment phase, in the form of deception. Sharks rely heavily on the element of surprise as apex predators. Mimicry is used to show the shark, it has been seen, removing their predatory tactic of element of surprise and therefore altering its usual “strike” behaviour to an “abort” behaviour (Martin et al., 2005). The contrast of black and white creates visual confusion to the sharks and changes how the board is perceived. Some sea creatures have evolved to take advantage of this same colour pattern, many of which are poisonous. This suggests that black and white stripes act as a warning to sharks. The ‘King Cobra’ snake alters board appearance, intimidates, looks dangerous and influences a sharks instinctive strike behaviour.
If you want to look scary, be scary!
The ‘King Cobra’ is purpose built, non-invasive, looks great in and out of the water and is affordable for all ocean users.